Bula - exSELlens

θα ήθελα να σας μεταφέρω την κουβέντα του γιου μου, Μαρίνου, που συμμετείχαμε στα μαθήματα σας κατά τους χειμερινούς μήνες διεξαγωγής τους πως η δουλειά σας ακόμα κι στην ηλικία των 5 κι ενός παιδιού που έχασε μέρες από την σχολική του διαδρομή λόγω συνθηκών έχει θετικα αποτελέσματα..βρήκαμε χθες μέσα στην ντουλάπα του κατασκευές που είχαμε κάνει μαζί σας κι θυμόταν επακριβώς τι ήταν το καθένα..μου έκανε τρομερή εντύπωση..καθώς είχα την αίσθηση ότι λόγω ελλιπής συγκέντρωσης κι απόσπασης της προσοχής του από την μικρή του αδερφή ότι δεν αποκομίζει την νέα γνώση..έκανα λάθος.. τελικά η βιωματική κι διαδραστική μεθοδολογία σας έχει αποτέλεσματα βέβαια με πάρα πολύ κόπο κι της δασκάλας κι του γονέα που συμμετέχει..ελπίζω από Σεπτέμβρη να γίνουν μαθήματα κι να είμαστε σε θέση να συμμετέχουμε πιο ενεργά κι εποικοδομητικά.

Εύα Στρατάκη
Μητέρα Μαθητή

My biggest takeaway. It’s not about the end product but about the personal perspective. Do not let your traumatized inner child shh your message. I am grateful for being offered a space to share and learn. There is hope. There is space. Thank you!

Lydia Stavropoulou
ESL Teacher/British Council Greece- Athens

“This two-day training was one of the rare opportunities that I had felt I clicked with. It was as if I had been waiting for that aha moment to open up and face my inner challenges and obstacles that I myself had created, which actually were my hidden superpowers, as I later discovered throughout my journey. Yes, all these happened right after the very first meeting.

Thank you for being an eye-opener, dear Theodora!

Pinar S.
English Teacher

I joined Authentic Voice to get to try a flavor of Theodora’s work, curious and open!

I experienced the delicious mix of her qualities: leadership and authority, experience and caring, insights and support, sharing and authenticity. I felt trust and relief: “Yes, I can get support here, so I can educate my patients in a brighter and more authentic way!” What I found in Authentic Voice opened my appetite for more.

So, I gladly joined XBrain which seems a perfect next step for any educator that wants to be on fire! Thank you, Theodora for your determination and generosity. The way you share what you accomplished is inspiring.

Dr. Irini Dimitriou
Holistic Uplifting Medicine

I am very grateful for joining Theodora’s group a month ago as since then I haven’t stopped improving myself. My brain has been on the go and creativity is exploding. I never thought myself as creative but now I know that I can do anything I put my mind to. I’ve been learning non-stop about social media and even watched a tutorial on Canva. I am keen to post on FB whereas my old self a month ago would not even dare to.

Thank you Theodora.

You’re a real inspiration

Belinda Peyrelongue
EFL/ESL Teacher

Το μάθημα ξεπέρασε τις προσδοκίες μου, δεν θα άλλαζα κάτι.

Αντωνία Μαρινάκη
Μητέρα Μαθήτριας

Δεν μετάνιωσα καθόλου για την συμμετοχή στο πρόγραμμα σας και ήδη σας έχω προτείνει σε γονείς και εκπαιδευτικούς. Καλή συνέχεια στο έργο σας, σας ευχαριστώ πολύ πολύ.

Ελευθερία Βέζου
Μητέρα Μαθήτριας

Είμαι αρκετά ικανοποιημένη δεν έχω κάτι να αλλάξω ή να προτείνω το παιδί μου μαθαίνει πολύ γρήγορα και είμαι πολύ ευχαριστημένη και χαρούμενη για την πρόοδο του κάθε φορά!

Ελένη Μ.
Μητέρα Μαθήτριας

Βρήκα το προγραμμα πολύ ενδιαφέρον. Η κόρη μου, αν και μικρή, ανταποκριθηκε ευχάριστα. Πολλές φορές ανέφερε εκτός μαθήματος λέξεις που μάθαινε από τα μαθηματα.


Καινοτόμο πρόγραμμα αγγλικών! Άρεσε πάρα πολύ στον μεγάλο μου γιο 6 χρ αλλά και στον μικρό 3χρ. Ήδη απ’ τα πρώτα μαθήματα άρχισαν να χρησιμοποιούν αγγλικές λέξεις !!! Αλλά χαίρονταν πολύ και κατά τη διάρκεια του μαθήματος !!! Οι δύο δασκάλες υπέροχες , χαμογελαστές , γεμάτες ενέργεια πραγματικά κάτι που πρέπει να κάνετε για τα παιδιά σας 😍


Το πρόγραμμα ξεπέρασε κάθε προσδοκία μου και έκαμψε κάθε πιθανή αρχική δυσπιστία. Ξεκινήσαμε απλά για το ερέθισμα στην νέα γλώσσα και πια υπάρχουν στιγμές που μου ζητά απλά πράγματα στην αγγλική γλώσσα. Οι κατασκευές που έχουμε να φτιάξουμε, πέρα από κοινό και πολύ ευχάριστο χρόνο με το παιδί, μας δημιουργούν την συνθήκη να αλληλεπιδρούμε επιπλέον χρόνο στα αγγλικά. Σχετικά με τον χρόνο του μαθήματος έχω να επισημάνω πόσο σημαντική είναι η προετοιμασία του εκπαιδευτή και του εκπαιδευτικού υλικού. Δίνεται η αίσθηση ότι τα πάντα είναι υπολογισμένα και συμβαίνουν στο κάθε λεπτό που πρέπει να συμβούν. Έχοντας την εμπειρία της χαοτικής σχολικής τηλεκπαίδευσης, επισημαίνω σε κάθε τόνο ότι τα μαθήματά σας πρέπει να αποτελέσουν υπόδειγμα διαδικτυακής μάθησης. Πολύ ευχαριστημένες μαμά (Δήμητρα) και κόρη (Εμμανουέλα)! Το ανυπομονούμε για κάθε επόμενο μάθημα δεν είναι σχήμα λόγου ή υπερβολή! Υ.Γ. Σκεφτείτε το ενδεχόμενο εκπαίδευσης εκπαιδευτών στην διαδικτυακή μάθηση.


Με την μικρή συμμετοχή μας στα μαθήματα το παιδί θυμόταν αρκετά από αυτά που είχαμε κάνει παρέα κι για αυτό η πολιτική σας κι μέθοδος δέχεται τα θερμά μας συγχαρητήρια!!!συνεχίστε έτσι με θέρμη κι όρεξη για ένα καλύτερο μέλλον των μικρών μας!!


Μακάρι να είχαμε μάθημα και δεύτερη φορά την εβδομάδα.


Θα ήθελα να τονίσω τη σημασία που η δασκάλα μας μιλούσε μόνο αγγλικά και βοήθησε πολύ τα παιδιά να συνηθίζουν ν ακούνε μόνο αγγλικά. ο τρόπος εκμάθησης ήταν αρκετά διασκεδαστικός και είχαμε πολλές δραστηριότητες. Η δασκάλα εκπληκτική! τέλος αυτό που θα έπρεπε να γίνει σε μεγαλύτερο βαθμό είναι να ενθαρρύνονται οι γονείς να μιλάνε μόνο αγγλικά την ωρα του μαθήματος γιατί τελικά τα αποσυντονίζουμε εξηγώντας τους στα ελληνικά. θα θελαμε να σας πουμε ενα μεγαλο ευχαριστώ για αυτην την υπέροχη χρονιά!


Απολαυστικές περιπέτειες και μαγικές στιγμές ανακάλυψαν τα δυο παιδιά μας στα online μαθήματα αγγλικών! Μέσα από την οθόνη, ταξίδεψαν σε μια εκπληκτική γλωσσική περιπέτεια, με την διδάσκουσα να τους καθοδηγεί με ευγένεια και αφοσίωση.Η ενδιαφέρουσα μεθοδολογία και οι διαδραστικές ασκήσεις του μαθήματος κατέκτησαν την περιέργεια τους, με αποτέλεσμα να μην ξέρουν πότε περνά η ώρα….. Ευχαριστούμε πολύ

Γονέας μαθητών

Σταυρόπουλος Τάσος

“Hi, I’m Lefelie’s father, and I’m very happy with what she has been doing with the English lessons. She has learned a lot of vocabulary and can play in English. She can use many English words, which helps her communicate better in the English language. I think it has been very useful for her.

One thing that I like is that she learned through play. While playing, she is learning to say many things in English, getting to know animals and the things she uses for playing. So, she has improved a lot, and now we can speak in English. We can say things in English, and she feels comfortable when we speak to her in English.”


“Hello, my name is Bula, and I am a mom of a four-year-old boy. I’m very happy and satisfied that I had a chance to join this program.

When we are in the lesson and I see my kid participating, I feel that our bond is getting stronger. It’s something magical. Also, he learns more English words, which is very important to me.

I think the program helps improve team-building skills such as communication, collaboration, and participation, of course. It also helps develop other skills such as creativity, autonomy, responsibility, and a love for animals and nature, which is very important nowadays.

For all of these reasons, I highly recommend this program to everyone. Thank you.”


“My name is Eva, and my son Vasilis is seven years old. He is participating in the online English course, Little Pilots. When we started a couple of months ago, he didn’t understand anything in English, and I was a bit skeptical about a digital course for small children. However, it’s actually really, really good. We highly recommend it.

The course is online, and the children are in a small group. Yet, the teacher is fantastic. She comes up with amazing ways to get them to learn English, and they have learned English. The children don’t even realize that they’re taking an English course because they’re playing, learning words, and participating in ways that I didn’t think would be possible for a digital course.

The course is very creative and uses fun ways to make them learn. Our son Vasilis, who is seven, thinks it’s really fun. He likes to learn all the new words, and he looks forward to his class every Thursday. He’s using English words every single day without even realizing that he’s learning English. I think the course is fantastic, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to start at a very early age. It’s going to help a lot.”


“Hi, I’m Joanna, and this is my daughter Nathalie. We are very happy we could participate in the program of learning English with Little Pilots. It was a very nice opportunity for us to bond with each other, to have a better connection, to spend time together, and, of course, to learn.

Nathalie improved her English so much. She loves English and can speak very easily with a good accent. As a teacher myself, I am a French teacher, I can say that it’s a very nice opportunity that we have to learn via projects and with a very motivating spirit that all the teachers have. They also develop their social skills because they have breakout rooms, which help the children become more independent, express themselves, and get to know each other.

During the pandemic, when we couldn’t go outside, it was really nice to have this experience. We are happy we did it.”


“Hello, my name is Philly, and I would like to talk about my experience and my daughter’s experience at the exSELlens Bogiou Language School. We live in Luxembourg, so it was very important for us that our daughter could communicate in English. So, we decided to start the English course, and this course was really great.

My daughter learned a lot of things, and the instructions and teaching methods are very easy to follow. She sings and dances at every lesson, and she also communicates with other children through common activities. But for me, the most important thing is that she’s happy and enthusiastic every time she has a lesson. Every time I tell her that today is the day for her English lesson, she gets excited.

So, I really recommend it to every child who wants to learn English.”


I met Theodora a couple of years ago and I

witnessed her transformation. I wanted what she

had, so I trusted her. I decided to join Xbrain without

knowing exactly what to expect, and it was totally worth it.

I will never be the same person again. I will never be the same teacher again. My whole perspective changed. I see myself transforming every lesson into a growth experience. I connect with my students on a deeper level. They trust me their inner world and I guide them to shine.

Theodora, you gave me a priceless gift; you gave me one more reason to adore my job and to be useful. I feel that I have one more purpose in my life. I have the duty to pass this wisdom to my students and to as many people as I can.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Betty Panagoulia

The XBrain training has transformed me and

everything about me – the way I see myself and

the world around me, the way I teach, the way I

phrase my sentences, the way I breathe – literally!!!

Part of my takeaways was acknowledging my feelings, embracing them, allowing them to teach me a new lesson and to add another tool in my toolkit that I can use in my courses with teenagers, in every contact with my students’ parents, in my everyday life, in my family!!

After Theodora’s training I can help my students take ownership of their lives, break through their limitations and realise their full potential using English as a vehicle and not as an end goal!!

I can also empower my own daughters by giving them new perspective and empower myself through self-coaching techniques!! I can serve my students’ parents more

effectively by addressing their concerns and


I am grateful for every moment I spent

in this training!!

Betty Davidopoulou

Have you ever felt that, despite everything is in

its place, still there is something that is missing?

Have you ever wondered … ‘I have everything that

I want, so why part of me is empty?’

Those were my concerns till my way brought me to the threshold of XBrain…little did I know what was going to happen! At first I thought it was the right time to do something profound for my students, but eventually, I was the one to bloom first.

XBrain sessions were so enlightening and transformational at the same time that made me reborn, redefine myself, reconstruct my mindset…..and that affected everyone around me! I started working with a group of teenagers, which was only a wishful thinking back in the past, and the outcome was beyond my highest expectations. It is a perfect win-win situation, as both parties involved learn pivotal life lessons. Imagine the blueprint this can leave in the heart of a teenager! And what kind of thinking adults they can become!

For all those reasons, and for many more

that cannot be expressed in words,

XBrain has been proved more than

an investment…..it’s a blessing!

As for Theodora, her name tells

exactly what she is….God’s present!

Katerina Balasi

I was looking for something different to apply to my Language School. Things in ELT are rapidly changing and you have to grow or else you will disappear. I wasn’t sure though what exactly to do. It was then that I heard about this amazing course. I joined XBrain not having many expectations. I thought it would be similar to all the previous courses I had done for my Professional Development. I soon realised though that this was not the case. This course was so practical and experimental. I realised that we are the solution to all the problems. We have to believe in ourselves, to respect ourselves, to find new ways to develop and to see our vision. We are capable of everything only if we see it and believe it. We should stop complaining and putting the blame on others.

I started observing and embracing my feelings. All these thanks to Theodora and her unique programme. I am so grateful for making me see the world differently and for becoming a better version of myself. Now. I can help my students even more and adapt all these beautiful things we’ve learnt to my teaching. Lastly, I feel that this is just the beginning… Theodora has shown me the way to a new mindset..where there is no room for negative feelings and thoughts. Everything is positive and happens for a reason. Meeting you Theo did happen for a reason indeed. Thank you for everything and apart from all a big thanks for being given the opportunity to express my gratitude publicly. These kind of educators and people are very rare. You are one of a kind doing magical things and affecting everyone in a magical way!!!

Zefy Antoniadou

Attending Theodora’s training ‘Find your authentic voice’ had a great impact on my inner true self. I have always tried to stay true to my authentic, genuine self but it’s not easy when you are overwhelmed with loads of preparation for the lesson, when you put in so many hours at work and when we are on the look out for the best lesson plan or the best resources to use. Everything was there, inside me and I just had to listen to my authentic voice.

Thank you, Theodora, for reminding me of the pathway I was looking for!!!

Konstantina Loudovari

What I find most inspiring about this program is the opportunity to connect with like-minded educators who are all on a secret journey of enlightenment!


I really enjoyed our session!It was really helpful since I realized that I should set intentions to achieve my goal and make my dream come true. After the session I felt inspired, motivated and more confident (I lack confidence you know). Thank you again for the amazing experience!


I’ve taken part in other seminars and sessions that Theodora has created. They always challenge me and I step out of my comfort zone in a good way. I believe that being able to share my thoughts openly without any judgement is really important. These two sessions made me think about some goals a lot. In the third session I definitely had a breakthrough, something I’d never thought of before. So there was a lot of self reflection as well. Overall, it was a great and enlightening experience.


The 3-day Authentic Voice training is a great opportunity to meet like-minded people and share experiences. Theodora analysed the steps in finding your authentic voice and I felt that she put in words, things that were already in me but unable to be expressed. ❤️🌞

English Teacher

I was looking for something different to apply to my Language School. Things in ELT are rapidly changing and you have to grow or else you will disappear. I wasn’t sure though what exactly to do. It was then that I heard about this amazing course. I joined XBrain not having many expectations. I thought it would be similar to all the previous courses I had done for my Professional Development. I soon realised though that this was not the case. This course was so practical and experimental. I realised that we are the solution to all the problems. We have to believe in ourselves, to respect ourselves, to find new ways to develop and to see our vision. We are capable of everything only if we see it and believe it. We should stop complaining and putting the blame on others.

I started observing and embracing my feelings. All these thanks to Theodora and her unique programme. I am so grateful for making me see the world differently and for becoming a better version of myself. Now. I can help my students even more and adapt all these beautiful things we’ve learnt to my teaching. Lastly, I feel that this is just the beginning… Theodora has shown me the way to a new mindset..where there is no room for negative feelings and thoughts. Everything is positive and happens for a reason. Meeting you Theo did happen for a reason indeed. Thank you for everything and apart from all a big thanks for being given the opportunity to express my gratitude publicly. These kind of educators and people are very rare. You are one of a kind doing magical things and affecting everyone in a magical way!!!


I feel that it is my duty to help my students in more ways than just doing and following the book….that teaching them that what they learn in Greek, they should be able to do in English!

I knew all you can do anything you want to if you set your mind to it and that stuff, but I didn’t have an actual way of getting them to see it, believe it and actually do it!

That’s where Theodora and XBrain came into the picture! She’s taught me a lot, of course I’m still a work in progress, but then again aren’t we all? I’ve enjoyed growing with my students as I have been using bits and parts of XBrain throughout the year, and am confident that with practice and more confidence I’ll get better at bringing out the best in my students.

Afterall, you can’t expect them to change the world if they don’t know that they can!

Education Strategist

XBrain is not just another ready made lesson plan.
XBrain changes your whole mindset! It helps you find yourself, which are your goals and how you can achieve them.
It is a”life changer”, it transforms you into your better self.

Personally, it had a tremendous impact both on my way of thinking and on facing every day’s hardships. Imagine the amazing results it could have in a teenager’s life!

As for the coach, my dear unique Theodora is always there for you, supporting you and guiding you in every step you take.

Language School Owner / EFL Teacher

Have you ever felt that, despite everything is in its place, still there is something that is missing? Have you ever wondered … ‘I have everything that I want, so why part of me is empty?’. Those were my concerns till my way brought me to the threshold of XBrain…little did I know what was going to happen! At first I thought it was the right time to do something profound for my students, but eventually, I was the one to bloom first. XBrain sessions were so enlightening and transformational at the same time that made me reborn, redefine myself, reconstruct my mindset…..and that affected everyone around me! I started working with a group of teenagers, which was only a wishful thinking back in the past, and the outcome was beyond my highest expectations. It is a perfect win-win situation, as both parties involved learn pivotal life lessons. Imagine the blueprint this can leave in the heart of a teenager! And what kind of thinking adults they can become! For all those reasons, and for many more that cannot be expressed in words, XBrain has been proved more than an investment….it’s a blessing! As for Theodora, her name tells exactly what she is….God’s present!



“Hello, my name is Bula, and I am a mom of a four-year-old boy. I’m very happy and satisfied that I had a chance to join this program.

When we are in the lesson and I see my kid participating, I feel that our bond is getting stronger. It’s something magical. Also, he learns more English words, which is very important to me.

I think the program helps improve team-building skills such as communication, collaboration, and participation, of course. It also helps develop other skills such as creativity, autonomy, responsibility, and a love for animals and nature, which is very important nowadays.

For all of these reasons, I highly recommend this program to everyone. Thank you.”